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Basic Concepts of UpdateCustomerJson


The UpdateCustomerJson class is located in the Jsonclasses directory. It represents the JSON structure for updating customer information. This class is essential for handling customer data updates in the application.

Fields and Constructor

The class contains a field updcust of type UpdcustJson, which holds the customer details to be updated. The constructor UpdateCustomerJson(UpdateCustomerForm updateCustomerForm) initializes the updcust field using data from an UpdateCustomerForm object.

In src/Z-OS-Connect-Customer-Services-Interface/src/main/java/com/ibm/cics/cip/bank/springboot/customerservices/controllers/, the UpdateCustomerForm is used in the showUpdateAccountForm and processUpdateCust methods to handle the update customer form and process the update request respectively.

public String showUpdateAccountForm(UpdateCustomerForm updateCustomerForm,
Model model)
model.addAttribute(ACCOUNT_TYPES, AccountType.values());

public String processUpdateCust(
@Valid UpdateCustomerForm updateCustomerForm,
BindingResult bindingResult, Model model)


The class provides getter and setter methods for the updcust field, allowing access and modification of the customer details. The toString method returns a string representation of the UpdateCustomerJson object, including the updcust field. The toPrettyString method returns a formatted string with detailed customer information, such as customer number, sort code, name, address, date of birth, credit score, and next review date.


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