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Exploring Accounts Resource in API


The Accounts resource is a RESTful API endpoint responsible for handling various account-related operations. It provides methods to create, retrieve, update, and delete account information. The resource is annotated with the path "/account" and extends the HBankDataAccess class.

Creating an Account

The createAccountExternal method allows for the creation of new accounts by consuming and producing JSON data. This method ensures that new accounts can be added to the system efficiently.

Retrieving Account Details

The getAccountExternal method retrieves account details based on the account number provided in the path parameter. This method is essential for fetching specific account information.

The getAccountExternal method is defined to retrieve account details. It uses the @GET annotation and the @Path annotation to specify the account number as a path parameter. The method logs the entry and exit points and calls getAccountInternal to fetch the account details.

public Response getAccountExternal(
@PathParam("accountNumber") Long accountNumber)
/** This will list one single account of the specified number. */
"getAccountExternal(Long accountNumber)");
Response myResponse = getAccountInternal(accountNumber);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"getAccountExternal(Long accountNumber)", myResponse);
return myResponse;

Listing Accounts by Customer

The getAccountsByCustomerExternal method lists all accounts owned by a specified customer. This method is useful for retrieving all accounts associated with a particular customer.

Updating Account Details

The updateAccountExternal method updates account details such as interest rates, types, and overdraft limits. This method ensures that account information remains current and accurate.

Deleting an Account

The deleteAccountExternal method deletes an account based on the account number provided in the path parameter. This method is crucial for removing accounts from the system when they are no longer needed.


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