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Overview of Jsonclasses in Payment Interface

What are Jsonclasses

Jsonclasses are a set of classes used to handle JSON data within the Payment Interface. They use Jackson annotations such as @JsonProperty and @JsonNaming to map JSON properties to Java fields, making it easier to serialize and deserialize JSON data.

Where Jsonclasses are used

Jsonclasses are used in various parts of the Payment Interface, including the PaymentInterfaceJson class and its associated classes like DbcrJson and OriginJson. These classes are used in controllers like WebController and ParamsController to handle payment-related requests and responses.

Example of Jsonclasses usage

The DbcrJson class uses the OriginJson class to represent the origin of a transaction, demonstrating how Jsonclasses can be nested to represent complex JSON structures.

The DbcrJson class includes a field commOrigin which is an instance of OriginJson, annotated with @JsonProperty to map the JSON property COMM_ORIGIN to the Java field.

private OriginJson commOrigin;


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