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The AccountsResource class

This document will cover the class AccountsResource in detail. We will cover:

  1. What HBankDataAccess is and what it is used for.
  2. What AccountsResource is and what it is used for.
  3. Variables and functions defined in AccountsResource.

What is HBankDataAccess

HBankDataAccess is a class used to manage Db2 connections. It holds a HashTable that stores these connections and provides methods to open and close connections. This class ensures that the database connections are properly managed and reused when necessary.

What is AccountsResource

AccountsResource is a class that extends HBankDataAccess and provides various methods to manage bank accounts. It includes methods for creating, updating, retrieving, and deleting accounts. This class acts as a RESTful API endpoint for account-related operations.

Variables and functions

The constructor AccountsResource initializes the class and sets up logging.

	public AccountsResource()
* Constructor

The function createAccountExternal is used to create a new account from an external source. It calls createAccountInternal to perform the actual creation and then terminates the database connection.


public Response createAccountExternal(AccountJSON account)
* This method is called from OUTSIDE Liberty. We need to know in order
* to keep track of DB2 connections
CREATE_ACCOUNT_EXTERNAL + " for account " + account.toString());

Response myResponse = createAccountInternal(account);

HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), CREATE_ACCOUNT_EXTERNAL,
return myResponse;

The function createAccountInternal is used to create a new account internally. It validates the account details, checks if the customer can have more accounts, and then creates the account in the database.

	public Response createAccountInternal(
* Internal methods can be called by either the external methods, or
* another part of Liberty
AccountJSON account)
CREATE_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL + " for account " + account.toString());
Response myResponse = null;

JSONObject error = validateNewAccount(account);
if (error != null)
myResponse = Response.status(400).entity(error.toString()).build();
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), CREATE_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL,
return myResponse;


The function getAccountExternal retrieves an account from an external source. It calls getAccountInternal to perform the actual retrieval and then terminates the database connection.

public Response getAccountExternal(
@PathParam("accountNumber") Long accountNumber)
/** This will list one single account of the specified number. */
"getAccountExternal(Long accountNumber)");
Response myResponse = getAccountInternal(accountNumber);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"getAccountExternal(Long accountNumber)", myResponse);
return myResponse;

The function getAccountInternal retrieves an account internally. It fetches the account details from the database and returns them.

	public Response getAccountInternal(Long accountNumber)
/** This will list one single account of the specified number. */
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), GET_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL);
Response myResponse = null;
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();

Integer sortCode = this.getSortCode();
Long idSafe = accountNumber; db2Account = new Account();

db2Account = db2Account.getAccount(accountNumber.intValue(), sortCode);
if (db2Account != null)

response.put(JSON_SORT_CODE, db2Account.getSortcode().trim());
response.put("id", db2Account.getAccountNumber());
response.put(JSON_CUSTOMER_NUMBER, db2Account.getCustomerNumber());
response.put(JSON_ACCOUNT_TYPE, db2Account.getType().trim());

The function getAccountsByCustomerExternal retrieves accounts by customer number from an external source. It calls getAccountsByCustomerInternal to perform the actual retrieval and then terminates the database connection.

public Response getAccountsByCustomerExternal(
@PathParam(JSON_CUSTOMER_NUMBER) Long customerNumber,
@QueryParam("countOnly") Boolean countOnly)
/** This will list accounts owned by a specified customer */
"getAccountsByCustomerExternal(Long customerNumber, Boolean countOnly)");

Response myResponse = getAccountsByCustomerInternal(customerNumber);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"getAccountsByCustomerExternal(Long customerNumber, Boolean countOnly)",
return myResponse;

The function getAccountsByCustomerInternal retrieves accounts by customer number internally. It fetches the accounts from the database and returns them.

	public Response getAccountsByCustomerInternal(
@PathParam(JSON_CUSTOMER_NUMBER) Long customerNumber)

JSONArray accounts = null;
Response myResponse = null;

JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
Integer sortCode = this.getSortCode();
int numberOfAccounts = 0;

CustomerResource myCustomer = new CustomerResource();
Response customerResponse = myCustomer

if (customerResponse.getStatus() != 200)
if (customerResponse.getStatus() == 404)

The function getSortCode retrieves the sort code from the SortCode Resource.

	private Integer getSortCode()
/** This will get the Sort Code from the SortCode Resource */
SortCodeResource mySortCodeResource = new SortCodeResource();
Response mySortCodeJSON = mySortCodeResource.getSortCode();
String mySortCode = ((String) mySortCodeJSON.getEntity()).substring(13,
return Integer.parseInt(mySortCode);

The function updateAccountExternal updates an account from an external source. It calls updateAccountInternal to perform the actual update and then terminates the database connection.

public Response updateAccountExternal(@PathParam("id") Long id,
AccountJSON account)
* Update the account specified by "id" with the JSON in AccountJSON.
* This is for interest rates, types and overdraft limits, not balances
"updateAccountExternal(Long id, AccountJSON account)");
Response myResponse = updateAccountInternal(id, account);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"updateAccountExternal(Long id, AccountJSON account)",
return myResponse;

The function updateAccountInternal updates an account internally. It validates the account details and updates the account in the database.

	public Response updateAccountInternal(Long id, AccountJSON account)
* Update the account specified by "id" with the JSON in AccountJSON.
* This is for interest rates, types and overdraft limits, not balances
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), UPDATE_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL);
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
Response myResponse = null;

if (!(account.validateType(account.getAccountType().trim())))
// If account type invalid
JSONObject error = new JSONObject();
ACC_TYPE_STRING + account.getAccountType() + NOT_SUPPORTED);
logger.log(Level.WARNING, () -> (ACC_TYPE_STRING
+ account.getAccountType() + NOT_SUPPORTED));
myResponse = Response.status(400).entity(error.toString()).build();
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), UPDATE_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL,

The function debitAccountExternal debits an account from an external source. It calls debitAccountInternal to perform the actual debit and then terminates the database connection.

public Response debitAccountExternal(@PathParam("id") String accountNumber,
DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)
// we use this to subtract money from an account
"debitAccountExternal(String accountNumber, DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)");
Response myResponse = debitAccountInternal(accountNumber, dbcr);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"debitAccountExternal(String accountNumber, DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)",
return myResponse;

The function debitAccountInternal debits an account internally. It checks if the account exists and then debits the specified amount.

	public Response debitAccountInternal(String accountNumber,
DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)
// we use this to subtract money from an account
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), DEBIT_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL);
Response myResponse = null;

AccountsResource checkAccount = new AccountsResource();
Response checkAccountResponse = checkAccount

if (checkAccountResponse.getStatus() != 200)
if (checkAccountResponse.getStatus() == 404)
JSONObject error = new JSONObject();
error.put(JSON_ERROR_MSG, FAILED_TO_READ + accountNumber
+ IN_DEBIT_ACCOUNT + this.getClass().toString());
logger.log(Level.WARNING, () -> (FAILED_TO_READ + accountNumber
+ IN_DEBIT_ACCOUNT + this.getClass().toString()));
myResponse = Response.status(404).entity(error.toString())

The function creditAccountExternal credits an account from an external source. It calls creditAccountInternal to perform the actual credit and then terminates the database connection.

public Response creditAccountExternal(@PathParam("id") String accountNumber,
DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)
// we use this to add money to an account
"creditAccountExternal(String accountNumber, DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)");
Response myResponse = creditAccountInternal(accountNumber, dbcr);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"creditAccountExternal(String accountNumber, DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)",
return myResponse;

The function creditAccountInternal credits an account internally. It checks if the account exists and then credits the specified amount.

	public Response creditAccountInternal(@PathParam("id") String accountNumber,
DebitCreditAccountJSON dbcr)
// we use this to add money to an account
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), CREDIT_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL);
Response myResponse = null;

AccountsResource checkAccount = new AccountsResource();
Response checkAccountResponse = checkAccount

if (checkAccountResponse.getStatus() != 200)
if (checkAccountResponse.getStatus() == 404)
JSONObject error = new JSONObject();
error.put(JSON_ERROR_MSG, FAILED_TO_READ + accountNumber
+ IN_CREDIT_ACCOUNT + this.getClass().toString());
logger.log(Level.WARNING, () -> (FAILED_TO_READ + accountNumber
+ IN_CREDIT_ACCOUNT + this.getClass().toString()));
myResponse = Response.status(404).entity(error.toString())

The function transferLocalExternal transfers money between two accounts at the same bank from an external source. It calls transferLocalInternal to perform the actual transfer and then terminates the database connection.

public Response transferLocalExternal(@PathParam("id") String accountNumber,
TransferLocalJSON transferLocal)
// we use this to move money between two accounts at the same bank
"transferLocalExternal(String accountNumber, TransferLocalJSON transferLocal)");
Integer accountNumberInteger;
accountNumberInteger = Integer.parseInt(accountNumber);
if (accountNumberInteger.intValue() < 1
|| accountNumberInteger.intValue() == 99999999)
return null;
catch (NumberFormatException e)

The function transferLocalInternal transfers money between two accounts at the same bank internally. It checks if both accounts exist and then performs the transfer.

	public Response transferLocalInternal(@PathParam("id") String accountNumber,
TransferLocalJSON transferLocal)
// we use this to move money between two accounts at the same bank
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), TRANSFER_LOCAL_INTERNAL);
Response myResponse = null;

// * We are transferring money from account "id" at this bank, to
// another account at this bank
// * The amount MUST be positive
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();

if (Integer.parseInt(accountNumber) == transferLocal.getTargetAccount())
JSONObject error = new JSONObject();
logger.log(Level.WARNING, () -> (NEED_DIFFERENT_ACCOUNTS));
myResponse = Response.status(400).entity(error.toString()).build();
logger.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), TRANSFER_LOCAL_INTERNAL,
return myResponse;

The function debitCreditAccount performs both debit and credit operations based on the boolean flag debitAccount. It updates the account balance accordingly.

	private Response debitCreditAccount(Long sortCode, String accountNumber,
BigDecimal apiAmount, boolean debitAccount)
// This method does both debit AND credit, controlled by the boolean
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), DEBIT_CREDIT_ACCOUNT);
Response myResponse = null;
JSONObject response = new JSONObject();

if (debitAccount)
apiAmount = apiAmount.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(-1)); db2Account = new;
if (!db2Account.debitCredit(apiAmount))
JSONObject error = new JSONObject();
if (apiAmount.doubleValue() < 0)
error.put(JSON_ERROR_MSG, "Failed to debit account "
+ accountNumber + CLASS_NAME_MSG);

The function deleteAccountExternal deletes an account from an external source. It calls deleteAccountInternal to perform the actual deletion and then terminates the database connection.

public Response deleteAccountExternal(
@PathParam("accountNumber") Long accountNumber)
"deleteAccountExternal(Long accountNumber)");
Response myResponse = deleteAccountInternal(accountNumber);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"deleteAccountExternal(Long accountNumber)", myResponse);
return myResponse;

The function deleteAccountInternal deletes an account internally. It checks if the account exists and then deletes it from the database.

	public Response deleteAccountInternal(Long accountNumber)
logger.entering(this.getClass().getName(), DELETE_ACCOUNT);
Response myResponse = null;

JSONObject response = new JSONObject();

Integer sortCode = this.getSortCode(); db2Account = new Account();

db2Account = db2Account.deleteAccount(accountNumber.intValue(),
if (db2Account != null)
response.put(JSON_SORT_CODE, db2Account.getSortcode().trim());
response.put("id", db2Account.getAccountNumber());
response.put(JSON_CUSTOMER_NUMBER, db2Account.getCustomerNumber());
response.put(JSON_ACCOUNT_TYPE, db2Account.getType().trim());

The function getAccountsExternal retrieves a list of accounts from an external source. It calls getAccountsInternal to perform the actual retrieval and then terminates the database connection.

public Response getAccountsExternal(@QueryParam("limit") Integer limit,
@QueryParam("offset") Integer offset,
@QueryParam("countOnly") Boolean countOnly)
// This method returns a fixed number of accounts, up to limit "limit",
// starting at offset "offset"
"getAccountsExternal(Integer limit, Integer offset,Boolean countOnly)");
boolean countOnlyReal = false;
if (countOnly != null)
countOnlyReal = countOnly.booleanValue();
Response myResponse = getAccountsInternal(limit, offset, countOnlyReal);
HBankDataAccess myHBankDataAccess = new HBankDataAccess();
"getAccountsExternal(Integer limit, Integer offset,Boolean countOnly)",


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