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Getting Started with Customer Details Page

Getting Started with Customer Details Page

The Customer Details Page allows users to view and manage customer information. It provides a user interface for searching customers by their number or name. The page includes input fields for entering a customer's number or name, and a submit button to initiate the search. If a customer is found, their details are displayed in a table format. The page also handles cases where no customer is found by displaying a modal with an appropriate message. Additionally, it retrieves and displays account details associated with the customer.

To see customer details, click the "View customer details" button on the landing page. To amend customer details, click the "Update customer details" button on the landing page. To enquire about an account, click on "View account details" from the landing page. To display the accounts for a particular customer, click on "List accounts belonging to customer".

CustomerDetailsPage Component

The CustomerDetailsPage component is defined in the file src/bank-application-frontend/src/content/CustomerDetailsPage/CustomerDetailsPage.js. It includes input fields for entering a customer's number or name, and a submit button to initiate the search. If a customer is found, their details are displayed in a table format. The page also handles cases where no customer is found by displaying a modal with an appropriate message. Additionally, it retrieves and displays account details associated with the customer.

Main Functions

There are several main functions in this component. Some of them are handleNumInputChange, handleNameInputChange, displayNoResultsModal, submitButtonHandler, getCustomersByName, getCustomerByNum, and getAccountsForCustomers. We will dive a little into submitButtonHandler, getCustomersByName, getCustomerByNum, and getAccountsForCustomers.


The submitButtonHandler function is triggered when the user clicks the submit button. It determines whether to search by customer number or name based on the input provided and calls the appropriate function (getCustomerByNum or getCustomersByName). It also toggles the visibility of the results table.

The submitButtonHandler function determines the search query and calls the appropriate function to fetch customer details.

  function submitButtonHandler() {
let searchQuery;
if (numSearch !== "") {
searchQuery = numSearch
else if (nameSearch !== "") {
searchQuery = nameSearch
setTableOpened(wasOpened => !wasOpened)


The getCustomersByName function sends a request to retrieve the first 10 customers matching the provided name. It formats the received data and updates the state with the customer details. If no customers are found, it displays a modal with an appropriate message.

The getCustomersByName function formats the received data and updates the state with the customer details.

* Gets the first 10 customers from a given name, builds an array from the response and sets customerDetailsRows' state to this array
async function getCustomersByName(searchQuery) {
let responseData;
let rowBuild = [];
await axios
.get(process.env.REACT_APP_CUSTOMER_URL + `/name?name=${searchQuery}&limit=10`)
.then(response => {
responseData =;
try {
responseData.customers.forEach(customer => {
let formattedDOB = getDay(customer.dateOfBirth) + "-" + getMonth(customer.dateOfBirth) + "-" + getYear(customer.dateOfBirth)
let formattedReviewDate = getDay(customer.customerCreditScoreReviewDate) + "-" + getMonth(customer.customerCreditScoreReviewDate) +
"-" + getYear(customer.customerCreditScoreReviewDate)
let row;
row = {
id: parseInt(,
customerNumber: parseInt(,
sortCode: customer.sortCode,
customerName: customer.customerName,

The getCustomerByNum function formats the received data and updates the state with the customer details.

  async function getCustomerByNum(searchQuery) {
let responseData;
let rowBuild = [];
await axios
.get(process.env.REACT_APP_CUSTOMER_URL + `/${searchQuery}`)
.then(response => {
responseData =;
try {
let row;
let formattedDOB = getDay(responseData.dateOfBirth) + "-" + getMonth(responseData.dateOfBirth) + "-" + getYear(responseData.dateOfBirth)
let formattedReviewDate = getDay(responseData.customerCreditScoreReviewDate) + "-" + getMonth(responseData.customerCreditScoreReviewDate) +
"-" + getYear(responseData.customerCreditScoreReviewDate)
row = {
id: parseInt(,
customerNumber: parseInt(,
sortCode: responseData.sortCode,
customerName: responseData.customerName,
customerAddress: responseData.customerAddress,
formattedDOB : formattedDOB,
dateOfBirth: responseData.dateOfBirth,
creditScore: responseData.customerCreditScore,


The getAccountsForCustomers function sends a request to retrieve the accounts associated with a given customer ID. It formats the received data and updates the state with the account details.


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