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CustomerEnquiryJson Overview


The CustomerEnquiryJson class is a part of the jsonclasses package and is used to handle customer enquiry data in the application. It plays a crucial role in managing and formatting customer enquiry details.

Fields and Methods

The CustomerEnquiryJson class contains a field INQCUSTZ, which is an instance of the InqCustZJson class. This field holds the customer enquiry details. The class provides a default constructor to initialize the object and getter and setter methods for the INQCUSTZ field.

The showCustForm method in the WebController class is used to display the customer enquiry form when the 'View customer details' button is clicked.

public String showCustForm(CustomerEnquiryForm customerEnquiryForm)

The returnCust method in the WebController class processes the customer enquiry form and returns the customer details.

public String returnCust(@Valid CustomerEnquiryForm customerEnquiryForm,
BindingResult bindingResult, Model model)

String Representation

The toString method is overridden to provide a string representation of the CustomerEnquiryJson object, including the INQCUSTZ field.

Pretty String Format

The toPrettyString method formats the customer enquiry details into a more readable string format, including customer number, name, address, date of birth, credit score, review date, and sort code.

How to Use CustomerEnquiry

CustomerEnquiry is accessed through the Customer Services interface. To see customer details, click the 'View customer details' button on the landing page.

Where CustomerEnquiry is Used

The showCustForm method in the WebController class is used to display the customer enquiry form when the 'View customer details' button is clicked. The returnCust method in the WebController class processes the customer enquiry form and returns the customer details.


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